How do I edit my profile?

itle: How to Edit Your SpeakerMatch Profile

H1: Step-by-Step Guide to Updating Your SpeakerMatch Profile

Editing your SpeakerMatch profile is essential to present yourself in the best possible light to meeting planners and event organizers. Here’s a guide on why each section matters and how to update them:

Steps to Edit Your Profile

  1. Log into your Member Center: Access your account by logging in with your credentials at
  2. Navigate to Profile: Click on "Profile" in the menu bar.

Profile Sections You Can Edit

  1. My Profile
    • Overview: This section provides a snapshot of who you are. A well-crafted overview can captivate planners and make them want to learn more about you. Share your unique value proposition and highlight your key experiences and achievements.
  2. Profile Boosters
    • Display Name, Speaking Fee, "Travels From" Location, Tagline, Headline, Keywords, External Website, eSpeakersID: These elements are crucial for search engine optimization and making your profile stand out. An engaging tagline and headline can grab attention, while keywords enhance your visibility in search results. Make sure to provide accurate information to attract relevant opportunities.
  3. Demographics
    • Birthdate, Gender, Ethnicity, Religion: Sharing this information helps planners meet diversity and inclusion goals, making you a more appealing choice for their events. Highlighting your diverse background can be a strong selling point.
  4. Contact Information
    • Name, Company, Billing Address: Keeping this information current ensures smooth communication and accurate billing, helping you maintain professional relationships. Ensure that your contact details are up-to-date for seamless interactions.
  5. Affiliations
    • Listing professional affiliations demonstrates your credibility and connections within the industry, making you a more attractive candidate for events. Affiliations can also show your commitment to your field and your active participation in professional communities.
  6. My Profile Picture
    • A professional headshot is often the first impression you make on planners. A high-quality image can convey professionalism and approachability. Invest in a good headshot that reflects your personality and professionalism.
  7. My Story
    • Sharing your journey helps you connect with your audience on a personal level, making your profile more relatable and engaging. Use this section to tell a compelling story about your career, experiences, and what drives you as a speaker.
  8. My Audio Profile
    • Audio clips provide a sample of your speaking style and voice, which can be crucial for planners when selecting a speaker. Ensure your audio is clear and showcases your ability to engage and captivate an audience.
  9. My Programs
    • Detailed descriptions of your programs help planners understand what you offer and how it fits their needs. Highlight the benefits and unique aspects of your programs to attract interest.
  10. My Articles
    • Publishing articles showcases your expertise and thought leadership, adding depth to your profile. Regularly update this section with insightful content to demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to your field.
  11. My Blog
    • Regular blog updates keep your profile dynamic and engaging, showing that you are active and involved in your field. Use your blog to share news, insights, and updates relevant to your audience.
  12. My Picture Album
    • A visual gallery of your events and engagements can make your profile more vibrant and appealing, giving planners a sense of your presentation style. Include high-quality images that capture the energy and impact of your sessions.
  13. My Videos
    • Videos provide a clear picture of your speaking abilities and stage presence, helping planners assess your suitability for their events. Make sure your videos are professionally shot and edited to showcase your best performances.
  14. My Documents Library
    • Storing important documents like your resume and presentation materials ensures planners have easy access to essential information. Keep this section organized and up-to-date with relevant materials.
  15. My Testimonials
    • Testimonials from clients and attendees build credibility and trust, showing planners that you deliver value. Encourage satisfied clients to provide detailed and positive feedback.
  16. My Publications
    • Listing your books, articles, and other publications highlights your expertise and authority in your field. Promote your published works to establish yourself as a thought leader.
  17. My Awards
    • Awards and recognitions add to your credibility, showcasing your achievements and excellence. Highlight any accolades to demonstrate your success and recognition in the industry.

Note: Some sections may not be available for your subscription level.