Do Event Organizers Provide Feedback on Specific Applications/Speakers?

Understanding Feedback from Event Organizers on SpeakerMatch

General Feedback from Event Organizers

We encourage event organizers to share feedback about their overall experience with our platform. This includes general impressions of the speakers they encounter and the applications they review. While we sometimes ask for feedback on specific applicants, it is usually within the broader context of many speakers to maintain a fair and comprehensive evaluation process.

Why Specific Feedback is Limited

One reason we don't typically receive specific feedback on individual speakers is because SpeakerMatch operates as a facilitator rather than a representative agency. Our primary role is to connect speakers with event organizers, not to manage or endorse specific speakers. This distinction means that event organizers are not obligated to provide detailed feedback on every application or speaker they consider.

Furthermore, obtaining even generalized feedback can be challenging. Event organizers are often busy and may not have the time to provide comprehensive evaluations. Our approach focuses on gathering broader insights that can help us improve the platform and better serve our members. This aggregated feedback helps us understand overall trends and the caliber of speakers, which we then use to enhance the experience for both speakers and organizers.

How We Use Feedback

The feedback we receive is crucial for continuously improving SpeakerMatch. By understanding the general experiences of event organizers, we can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to better meet the needs of our users. This ongoing process ensures that our platform remains a valuable resource for both speakers seeking opportunities and organizers looking for talent.