How SpeakerMatch Helps Speakers Get Found by Meeting Planners and Event Organizers

Enhancing Your Visibility with SpeakerMatch

SpeakerMatch is more than a job board; it's a comprehensive resource designed to help speakers increase their visibility and connect with meeting planners.

Increasing Your Visibility

Advertising Your Speaking Business

  • Professional Online Presence: Build a profile optimized for search engines.
  • Showcase Features: Include videos, audio clips, pictures, documents, and testimonials.

Direct Requests

  • Planners Browsing Profiles: Organizers often review profiles and contact speakers directly.
  • Information Request Forms: Planners can fill out forms directly on your profile for easy communication.

Tools and Benefits

Online Presence

  • Optimization: Profiles are optimized for major search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
  • Content: Use your content to make yourself more visible to planners.

SpeakerMatch as Advertising

  • Inexpensive Advertising: Think of SpeakerMatch as a cost-effective advertising expense with great reach.
  • Adjustable Profiles: Continuously tweak your profile to improve effectiveness.

Bookings and Reality

  • Booking Variability: Some speakers get booked quickly, while others take more time.
  • No Guarantees: We can't guarantee bookings, but we provide the tools to increase your chances.

Our Commitment

We guarantee to provide you with the tools to get your information in front of planners who are actively seeking speakers. We're here to work with you to ensure you get value from our service.