How Does SpeakerMatch Work?

Understanding the SpeakerMatch Platform

What is an Emerging Speakers?

If you're (1) not earning a full-time living through speaking, and (2) not earning at least $5,000 per speech, we consider you to be an emerging speaker. We specialize in helping emerging speakers get noticed and found by meeting planners, enhancing your visibility and opportunities.

It's as easy as plugging in your information to some simple forms. We do the rest to help you create and promote a professional brand! Highlight your programs, audios, videos, and more! We give you tools that make it simple to create a professional looking profile. It's like having your own website with the added bonus of built-in traffic.

We've got a complete online job board and application system made just for speakers. You will receive direct requests from meeting planners as well as open calls for speakers. And you can search our online database for more opportunities.

31 out of every 32 people who try to launch a speaking business fail. We want you to be in the successful minority. To help you succeed in the speaking business, we provide you with the resources to help build and maintain a successful and sustainable speaking business.

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Looking For A Speaker?

Using Google to find speakers sounds like a great idea, but when you realize there are thousands of speakers to choose from it can become an overwhelming task.

SpeakerMatch helps you sort through the noise and quickly find a professional speaker on the right topic, in the best location, and within your budget. We continue to grow our database of diverse speakers every day.

With over 6,000 speakers in our directory and access to thousands more, we're confident our matching algorithm will help you find the best possible speaker for your next event. You'll have a dedicated staff member to help you throughout the whole process. We're only a phone call, chat, or email away.

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