Offer SpeakerMatch As A Member Benefit for Your Organization!

SpeakerMatch is tailored specifically for individuals like consultants, accountants, financial planners, and other small business owners – many of whom are sole proprietors themselves. Our platform is designed to help these professionals use public speaking as a powerful tool to build their personal brands and effectively market their businesses.

The essence of SpeakerMatch aligns perfectly with the needs of business owners and thought leaders who are interested in:

  1. Brand Building: Public speaking offers an unparalleled opportunity for individual professionals to establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields.

  2. Networking and Opportunities: Our platform opens doors to various speaking engagements that can lead to new business opportunities and collaborations.

  3. Educational Resources: We provide resources and guidance to help even novice speakers develop their skills, enabling them to confidently share their expertise with a wider audience.

  4. Marketing Avenues: In today's competitive environment, effective self-marketing is crucial. SpeakerMatch offers a unique avenue for professionals to showcase their knowledge and services.

A partnership between your organization and SpeakerMatch can be mutually beneficial. As part of our collaboration, we can offer exclusive discounts to your members, making our services even more accessible to them.

Here's a sampling of some regular users of the SpeakerMatch service:

  1. Freelance Writers and Authors: They use speaking opportunities to promote their work, share writing tips, and build a following.

  2. Independent Consultants: This includes business consultants, IT consultants, and marketing consultants, who can share their expertise and attract new clients through public speaking.

  3. Life Coaches and Personal Development Trainers: Speaking at events can help them reach a wider audience and establish their personal brand.

  4. Health and Wellness Coaches: Nutritionists, fitness trainers, and wellness advisors often work independently, using speaking engagements to educate and attract clients.

  5. Photographers and Artists: They share their creative process, tips, and experiences in the industry, building a reputation and network.

  6. Financial Advisors/CPAs: Independent financial planners use public speaking to offer financial tips and attract potential clients.

  7. Graphic Designers and Web Developers: Sharing their expertise on design and web development trends helps them network and attract freelance projects.

  8. Real Estate Agents: They use speaking engagements to share market insights and position themselves as local market experts.

  9. Small Business Coaches: They use public speaking to share business growth strategies and connect with potential clients.

  10. Entrepreneurs: They use speaking opportunities for networking, brand building, and attracting potential clients.