How can I become a guest on a SpeakerMatch podcast or teleseminar?

Our teleseminar series is a collection of candid interviews that Bryan Caplovitz (our founder) holds with leading experts in the speaking industry. Whether the topic is about shameless self-promotion, putting together an effective press kit, getting published, or anything in between, our teleseminars provide emerging speakers with valuable tips, advice, and guidance.

SpeakerMatch also sponsors the Big Time Talker podcast hosted by Burke Allen of Allen Media Strategies.

In order to be a guest, your topic needs to provide emerging speakers with valuable tips, advice, and guidance on building and maintaining a sustainable speaking business.

To become a guest, please submit your proposal by completing our application form. We'll ask for the following information:

  • an idea for your teleseminar (the topic), 
  • a little bit about you, 
  • why you are qualified to be a guest, and 
  • what our audience will gain from it.

One of our staff members will review your proposal and let you know if your topic fits our audience and the next steps to take.

Podcast Guest Application